Back to the trash pile. Second try for JAM

It seems your time has come, little black bug.

I recently found the JAM about Defold with the theme “One too many.”

Initially, I thought about continuing Eagle Eye within its bounds, but the theme didn’t quite fit. (By the way, in the latest update, I added sounds; you can check it out here:

Then, one of the initial ideas for my recent game, Threshold, came to mind, which I believe would fit perfectly for the jam theme. I didn’t manage to implement that idea during the 3 days of Ludum Dare 54, and in general, I didn’t manage to do much.

I know it’s not ideal to bring previous works to a game jam. However, on one hand, it’s already been a week since the jam started, and I’ve only spent about 2 days, maximum, on Threshold if I add up all the time spent. Secondly, I’ve become so passionate about this idea that nothing else comes to mind.

Enough with the justifications; let’s get to the point. The idea of Threshold was that a bug finds itself in a pile of trash and debris, which become unstable due to its actions, with all the consequences that follow. That’s the gist of it in a nutshell.

I’ve done some brainstorming and a couple of sketches. Let’s start implementing the details. This will require a lot of new art.

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Later, I will tell you how those three days of Ludum Dare went, to preserve it for the history before I everything forgot.

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