
  • Move - A, D
  • Attack - E, X, C, V, Left Mouse Buttom
  • Jump - W, Space
  • Aim On/Off - Q, Enter, Right Mouse Buttom
  • Move Aim - Arrow keys, Mouse

Or try it on GAMEPAD 

Post jam version

This page contains some fixes made AFTER the jam. This version is not for rating in the jam. You can find the version for the jam here:

Currently there are some fixes with controls and mouse.

In the future, I will make updates to this page, leaving the version created during the jam untouched.

There is a plan to make one demo level here.

Now there is only a TEST level

This is a technical demo created during the LOWREZJAM within two weeks. It features only a small level with 3 enemies, which I used for testing basic mechanics, aiming, combat and animations. There is no specific story or engaging level here. However, I have a couple of ideas on what could be done; let's see if there is enough enthusiasm to turn this into a full game.

Used assets:

Update log

Updated 16 days ago
Made withDefold
Tags2D, archer, bow, defold, LOWREZJAM, Pixel Art, sniper

Development log

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